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Chin-Dusting, J. Effects of in vivo and in vitro L-arginine supplementation on healthy human vessels. J Cardiovasc. Wennmalm, A. Acute supplementation with the nitric oxide precursor L-arginine does not improve cardiovascular performance in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis ; Mehta, S. The hypotensive effect of L-arginine is associated with increased expired nitric oxide in humans. Chest ; Campo, C. Aging abolishes the renal response to L-arginine infusion in essential hypertension.

Kidney Int. Suppl ;SS Egashira, K. Effects of L-arginine supplementation on endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilation in patients with angina pectoris and normal coronary arteriograms. Immune and nutritional effects of early enteral nutrition after major abdominal operations. J Surg. Bode-Boger, S. L-arginine induces nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation in patients with critical limb ischemia. A randomized, controlled study.

Kirk, S. Arginine stimulates wound healing and immune function in elderly human beings. Surgery ; Brittenden, J.

Br J Cancer ; Natural cytotoxicity in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy: effects of L-arginine supplementation. Plasma endothelin levels and vascular effects of intravenous L-arginine infusion in subjects with uncomplicated insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Sci Lond ; Hayde, M. Low-dose dietary L-arginine increases plasma interleukin 1 alpha but not interleukin 1 beta in patients with diabetes mellitus. Cytokine ; L-arginine infusion decreases peripheral arterial resistance and inhibits platelet aggregation in healthy subjects.

Vigano, E. Renal effects of L-arginine infusion in cyclosporine-treated transplant recipients. Wolf, S. Does L-arginine alter proteinuria and renal hemodynamics in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis and hypertension?

Daly, J. Enteral nutrition during multimodality therapy in upper gastrointestinal cancer patients. Higashi, Y. Effects of L-arginine infusion on renal hemodynamics in patients with mild essential hypertension. Hypertension ;25 4 Pt 2 Gaston, R. Cyclosporine inhibits the renal response to L-arginine in human kidney transplant recipients. J Am Soc Nephrol. Scibona, M. Minerva Urol. Short-term pulmonary vasodilation with L-arginine in pulmonary hypertension. Dell'Omo, G.

Ital Med. Intravenous administration of L-arginine inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme in humans. Metab ; Sax, H. Enteral Nutr. Koifman, B. Improvement of cardiac performance by intravenous infusion of L-arginine in patients with moderate congestive heart failure.

Pedrinelli, R. Pressor, renal and endocrine effects of L-arginine in essential hypertensives. Adams, M. Oral L-arginine inhibits platelet aggregation but does not enhance endothelium-dependent dilation in healthy young men.

Amore, A. A possible role for nitric oxide in modulating the functional cyclosporine toxicity by arginine. Bushinsky, D. Life-threatening hyperkalemia induced by arginine. De, Aloysio D. The clinical use of arginine aspartate in male infertility. Acta Eur. Tanimura, J. Studies on arginine in human semen. The effects of medication with L-arginine-HCL on male infertility. Osaka Med.

Sch ; The arginine contents of normal and sterile human semen. Miroueh, A. Effect of arginine on oligospermia. Hertz, P.

Arginine-induced hyperkalemia in renal failure patients. Schachter, A. Treatment of oligospermia with the amino acid arginine. J Gynaecol. Pryor, J. Controlled clinical trial of arginine for infertile men with oligozoospermia.

Br J Urol. Elam, R. Effects of arginine and ornithine on strength, lean body mass and urinary hydroxyproline in adult males. J Sports Med. Fitness ; Marti-Carvajal, A. Interventions for treating leg ulcers in people with sickle cell disease. Fallon, E. Nelson, R. Non surgical therapy for anal fissure. Dong, J. Effect of oral L-arginine supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.

Heart J ; Drover, J. Perioperative use of arginine-supplemented diets: a systematic review of the evidence. Davis, J. Is plasma arginine concentration decreased in patients with sepsis? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Puiman, P. Enteral arginine does not increase superior mesenteric arterial blood flow but induces mucosal growth in neonatal pigs.

Effect of dietary protein and amino acids on immune function. Neri, I. L-arginine supplementation in women with chronic hypertension: impact on blood pressure and maternal and neonatal complications. J Matern. Fetal Neonatal Med. McMahon, L. A randomized phase II trial of Arginine Butyrate with standard local therapy in refractory sickle cell leg ulcers. J Haematol. Morgante, G. Saleh, A. Protective effect of L-arginine in experimentally induced myocardial ischemia: comparison with aspirin.

Ther ; Lakhan, S. Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review. Nutr J ; Shigemi, R. Brain Dev. Sullivan, K. Effect of oral arginine supplementation on exhaled nitric oxide concentration in sickle cell anemia and acute chest syndrome.

J Pediatr Hematol. Bailey, S. Acute L-arginine supplementation reduces the O2 cost of moderate-intensity exercise and enhances high-intensity exercise tolerance. J Appl. Physiol ; Tripathi, P. Oral administration of L-arginine in patients with angina or following myocardial infarction may be protective by increasing plasma superoxide dismutase and total thiols with reduction in serum cholesterol and xanthine oxidase.

Cell Longev. Hughes, N. Koga, Y. Battaglia, C. L-arginine plus drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol in the treatment of patients with PCOS: a prospective, placebo controlled, randomised, pilot study. Marik, P. Immunonutrition in high-risk surgical patients: a systematic review and analysis of the literature. Tan, B. Dietary L-arginine supplementation differentially regulates expression of lipid-metabolic genes in porcine adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Scavella, A.

Effect of L-arginine supplementation on immune responsiveness in patients with sickle cell disease. Pediatr Blood Cancer ; Sunderland, K. VO2max and ventilatory threshold of trained cyclists are not affected by day L-arginine supplementation.

J Strength. Guttman, H. Ast, J. Evaluation of the antihypertensive effect of L-arginine supplementation in patients with mild hypertension assessed with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Camic, C. Effects of arginine-based supplements on the physical working capacity at the fatigue threshold. Srivastava, S. Effect of anion channel blockers on L-arginine action in spermatozoa from asthenospermic men. Andrologia ; Therapeutic role of L-arginine on free radical scavenging system in ischemic heart diseases.

Indian J Biochem. Carrier, M. L-arginine supplemented nondiluted blood cardioplegia: a clinical trial. Torino ; Chen, S. Arginine and antioxidant supplement on performance in elderly male cyclists: a randomized controlled trial. J Int. Soc Sports Nutr. Olek, R. A single oral intake of arginine does not affect performance during repeated Wingate anaerobic test.

Giuggioli, D. L-Arginine in pregnant scleroderma patients. Glueck, C. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase TC mutation, a reversible etiology of Prinzmetal's angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol ; Doutreleau, S.

L-arginine supplementation improves exercise capacity after a heart transplant. Am J Clin. Ledda, A. Investigation of a complex plant extract for mild to moderate erectile dysfunction in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study.

Stechmiller, J. Understanding the role of nutrition and wound healing. Doley, J. Nutrition management of pressure ulcers. Jude, E. Effect of L-arginine on the microcirculation in the neuropathic diabetic foot in Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Huang, C. Protective effects of L-arginine supplementation against exhaustive exercise-induced oxidative stress in young rat tissues. Chin J Physiol ; Lagudis, S. The effect of dobutamine without and with L-arginine on arterial compliance in heart failure patients. Effects of L-arginine on the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire quality-of-life score in patients with chronic systolic heart failure.

Sun, T. Oral L-arginine supplementation in acute myocardial infarction therapy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Ozbek, M. Evaluation of beta cell dysfunction by mixed meal tolerance test and oral L-arginine in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. Coeffier, M. Combined infusion of glutamine and arginine: does it make sense? Metab Care ; Cahill, N. Nutrition therapy in the critical care setting: what is "best achievable" practice?

An international multicenter observational study. Docimo, R. Comparing the efficacy in reducing dentin hypersensitivity of a new toothpaste containing 8. Nathoo, S. Comparing the efficacy in providing instant relief of dentin hypersensitivity of a new toothpaste containing 8. Ayad, F. Bescos, R. Effects of dietary L-arginine intake on cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptation in athletes. J Sport Nutr. Ellinger, S. Efficacy of vitamin supplementation in situations with wound healing disorders: results from clinical intervention studies.

Celik, J. The role of immunonutrition in gynecologic oncologic surgery. Hrncic, D. The role of nitric oxide in homocysteine thiolactone-induced seizures in adult rats. Cell Mol. De Luis, D. High dose of arginine enhanced enteral nutrition in postsurgical head and neck cancer patients. A randomized clinical trial.

Pharmacol Sci ; Jahangir, E. The effect of L-arginine and creatine on vascular function and homocysteine metabolism. Okamoto, Y. Attenuation of the systemic inflammatory response and infectious complications after gastrectomy with preoperative oral arginine and omega-3 fatty acids supplemented immunonutrition. World J Surg. Gentile, V. Effect of propionyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine and nicotinic acid on the efficacy of vardenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in diabetes.

Curr Med Res Opin. Modolell, M. Local suppression of T cell responses by arginase-induced L-arginine depletion in nonhealing leishmaniasis. Dis ;3:e Lucotti, P. Oral L-arginine supplementation improves endothelial function and ameliorates insulin sensitivity and inflammation in cardiopathic nondiabetic patients after an aortocoronary bypass.

Metabolism ; Fan, X. Arginine deficiency augments inflammatory mediator production by airway epithelial cells in vitro. Budoff, M. Aged garlic extract supplemented with B vitamins, folic acid and L-arginine retards the progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: a randomized clinical trial. Koppo, K. Dietary arginine supplementation speeds pulmonary VO2 kinetics during cycle exercise. Sports Exerc. Schulze, F. L-Arginine enhances the triglyceride-lowering effect of simvastatin in patients with elevated plasma triglycerides.

Masha, A. Prolonged treatment with N-acetylcysteine and L-arginine restores gonadal function in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Endocrinol. Petrou, I. Mou, J. Malenfant, D. The efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon: a literature review and meta-analysis. Oxford ; Lee, J. Res Commun. Jovanovic, A. The second-meal phenomenon in type 2 diabetes. Winer, N. L-Arginine treatment for severe vascular fetal intrauterine growth restriction: a randomized double-bind controlled trial.

Debats, I. Oral arginine supplementation and the effect on skin graft donor sites: a randomized clinical pilot study.

J Burn Care Res ; Kato, G. Endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in sickle cell disease: abnormal levels and correlations with pulmonary hypertension, desaturation, haemolysis, organ dysfunction and death. Br J Haematol. Amin, H. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of premature infants treated with l-arginine for prevention of necrotising enterocolitis. J Paediatr. Child Health ; Weitzel, L.

Effects of pharmaconutrients on cellular dysfunction and the microcirculation in critical illness. Boger, R. Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine and incidence of cardiovascular disease and death in the community. Little, J. Hematologic, biochemical, and cardiopulmonary effects of L-arginine supplementation or phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition in patients with sickle cell disease who are on hydroxyurea therapy.

Takasaki, A. Endometrial growth and uterine blood flow: a pilot study for improving endometrial thickness in the patients with a thin endometrium. Rinsho Shinkeigaku ; Baris, N. Alterations in L-arginine and inflammatory markers in type 2 diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria.

Acta Diabetol. Goligorsky, M. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase: from structure to function in one aspartic substitution. Stanislavov, R. Improvement of seminal parameters with Prelox: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial.

Bracci, M. L-arginine reduces mercury accumulation in thymus of mercury-exposed mice: role of nitric oxide synthase activity and metallothioneins. Health ; Evolution of novel small-molecule therapeutics targeting sickle cell vasculopathy. JAMA ; Bai, Y. Increase in fasting vascular endothelial function after short-term oral L-arginine is effective when baseline flow-mediated dilation is low: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Gad, M. Kidney Blood Press Res ; Napoli, C. Wu, G. Arginine metabolism and nutrition in growth, health and disease. Acids ; Heyman, H. Benefits of an oral nutritional supplement on pressure ulcer healing in long-term care residents. J Wound Care ;, Fons, C. Arginine supplementation in four patients with X-linked creatine transporter defect.

J Inherit. Metab Dis ; Moutaouakil, F. A case report]. Paris ; Settergren, M. Abba, K. Nutritional supplements for people being treated for active tuberculosis.

Childress, B. Arginine metabolites in wound fluids from pressure ulcers: a pilot study. Res Nurs. Dietary L-arginine supplementation enhances the immune status in early-weaned piglets. Binder, I. Part 2: Treatment]. Aktuelle Urol. Klek, S. The impact of immunostimulating nutrition on infectious complications after upper gastrointestinal surgery: a prospective, randomized, clinical trial.

Immunonutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review and analysis of the literature. Intensive Care Med. Salvatore, P. Detrimental effects of Bartonella henselae are counteracted by L-arginine and nitric oxide in human endothelial progenitor cells. A ; Standard and immunomodulating enteral nutrition in patients after extended gastrointestinal surgery--a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial.

Nutr ; Chilosi, A. Treatment with L-arginine improves neuropsychological disorders in a child with creatine transporter defect. Tuchman, M. Cross-sectional multicenter study of patients with urea cycle disorders in the United States. Chung, H. Methods Enzymol. Ralph, A. L-arginine and vitamin D: novel adjunctive immunotherapies in tuberculosis. Trends Microbiol. Fricke, O. The effect of L-arginine administration on muscle force and power in postmenopausal women.

Physiol Funct. Imaging ; Acevedo, A. Clinical evaluation of the ability of CaviStat in a mint confection to inhibit the development of dental caries in children. Part 1: Background and basic principles]. La L-arginina puede reducir los niveles de glucosa sanguínea en personas con diabetes. Isoproterenol Isuprel. El uso de este medicamento para el corazón con la L-arginina puede hacer que la presión arterial baje demasiado.

El uso de este analgésico para el dolor de pecho con la L-arginina puede hacer que la presión arterial baje demasiado. Diuréticos ahorradores de potasio. No tomes L-arginina con amilorida Midamor , espironolactona Aldactone, Carospir o triamtereno Dyrenium. Sildenafil Revatio, Viagra.

El uso de este medicamento para la disfunción eréctil con la L-arginina puede hacer que la presión arterial baje demasiado.

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Intravenous administration of L-arginine inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme in humans. J Neurol. Scavella, A. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of arginine therapy for the treatment of children with sickle cell disease hospitalized with vaso-occlusive pain episodes.

La ingesta de L-arginina parece con la tolerancia al nitrato en personas que toman nitroglicerina para tratar el dolor de pecho. Cirrosis: La L-arginina debería enlace con precaución en personas con viagra. Infección arginina de una cirugía. Mezclar suplementos con viagra Sullivan, K. Bushinsky, D. La síntesis y la absorción de la L-arginina tienen lugar, principalmente, a nivel intestinal.

La arginina preliminar con que la L-arginina durante 6 meses aumenta la distancia de la caminata y mejora la respiración en personas con trasplante de corazón.

Minerva Ginecol ; Acute L-arginine supplementation reduces the O2 cost of moderate-intensity exercise and enhances high-intensity exercise tolerance. Hayde, M. Viagra, A. Sin embargo, la L-arginina no parece reducir la necesidad de orinar durante la noche o mejorar la frecuencia de la micción.

L-Arginina Dos barras de alimento médico Heart Bars con 6. Herman, W. Marik, P. Brittenden, J. Slawinski, M. Enteral Nutr. Camic, C. Drover, J.

Association of l-arginine supplementation with markers of endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular or metabolic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Support Care Cancer. Meirelles CM, Matsuura C. Acute supplementation of L-arginine affects neither strength performance nor nitric oxide production. J Sports Med Phys Fitness.

L-Arginine supplementation does not enhance blood flow and muscle performance in healthy and physically active older women. Eur J Nutr. Efficacy of L-arginine for preventing preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancies: A double-blind, randomized, clinical trial. Hypertens Pregnancy.

The effect of l-arginine supplementation on body composition and performance in male athletes: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial.

Eur J Clin Nutr. L-Arginine in the treatment of valproate overdose - five clinical cases. Clin Toxicol Phila. A randomized controlled trial of inhaled L-arginine in patients with cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros. Anti-caries effect of arginine-containing formulations in vivo: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Caries Res. Improved muscle function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy through L-arginine and metformin: An investigator-initiated, open-label, single-center, proof-of-concept-study.

PLoS One. Effect of L-arginine and sildenafil citrate on intrauterine growth restriction fetuses: a meta-analysis. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Arginine supplementation for prevention of necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Jpn J Clin Oncol ; Effect of oral nutritional supplementation on wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers: a prospective randomized controlled trial.

Diabet Med ; Lady Prelox improves sexual function in generally healthy women of reproductive age. Minerva Ginecol ; Loscalzo J. What we know and don't know about L-arginine and NO. Effect of supplementation during pregnancy with L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins in medical food on pre-eclampsia in high risk population: randomised controlled trial.

L-arginine and vitamin D adjunctive therapies in pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Effect of a long-term oral l-arginine supplementation on glucose metabolism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Diabetes Obes Metab. Arginine supplementation in prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in the premature infant: an updated systematic review. BMC Pediatr. L-arginine for the treatment of centrally obese subjects: a pilot study. J Diet Suppl.

Acute l-arginine supplementation increases muscle blood volume but not strength performance. The effectiveness of a specialised oral nutrition supplement on outcomes in patients with chronic wounds: a pragmatic randomised study. J Hum Nutr Diet. Aoki, H.

Clinical assessment of a supplement of Pycnogenol R and L-arginine in Japanese patients with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. O'Rourke, D. Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase GAMT deficiency: late onset of movement disorder and preserved expressive language. Child Neurol. Claris-Appiani, A. Effect of renal function of arginine supplementation in children with chronic renal insufficiency.

The influence of arginine supplementation on performance and metabolism in athletes. Eshghi F. The efficacy of L-arginine gel for treatment of chronic anal fissure compared to surgical sphincterotomy. Journal of Medical Sciences. Intravenous L-arginine restores endothelial function in healthy young smokers abstract. A nutritional product designed to enhance nitric oxide activity restores endothelium-dependent function in hypercholesterolemia abstract.

J Am Coll Cardiol ;A. Pezza, V. J Hypertens. Quyyumi, A. Does acute improvement of endothelial dysfunction in coronary artery disease improve myocardial ischemia? A double-blind comparison of parenteral D- and L-arginine. J Am Coll. Cardiol ; Thorne, S. Early endothelial dysfunction in adults at risk from atherosclerosis: different responses to L-arginine. McCarter, M. Preoperative oral supplement with immunonutrients in cancer patients.

Enteral Nutr ; Baligan, M. Study of pediatric subjects]. Minerva Pediatr ; Wolzt, M. Exogenous L-arginine does not affect angiotensin II-induced renal vasoconstriction in man.

Br J Clin. Bortolotti, M. Clinical and manometric effects of L-arginine in patients with chest pain and oesophageal motor disorders. Ital J Gastroenterol. Heys, S. Potentiation of the response to chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer by dietary supplementation with L-arginine: results of a randomised controlled trial.

J Oncol. Theilmeier, G. Adhesiveness of mononuclear cells in hypercholesterolemic humans is normalized by dietary L-arginine.

Braga, M. Artificial nutrition after major abdominal surgery: impact of route of administration and composition of the diet. Crit Care Med. Nitenberg, A.

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